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getCopyFileAreasForConfiguration method in CopyFileAreaManager returns empty list while unloading a repository workspace programmatically!

Nandini Math (2816) | asked Aug 09 '16, 12:59 a.m.
Hello Team ,

            Need your suggestion in solving the problem I am facing to unload repository workspace programmatically(as described below).

           And i want to unload repository workspace programmatically because i am developing a plugin(to create repo workspace , load it , accept changes in to workspace and to unload it) which will be integrated with Jenkins.

            I was successful in creating a repository workspace and loading it programmatically by using the below code :


                        SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 100);

              IWorkspaceManager wsManager = SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(repo);

              IWorkspaceConnection workspace =

              wsManager.createWorkspace(repo.loggedInContributor(), workspaceName, description, stream, stream,


              workspace.setOwnerAndVisibility(IScmService.NOOP_OWNER, scope, progress.newChild(3));

              addTemplateFlows(workspace, stream, progress.newChild(7));


       and code to load a repository workspace :


                 this.sandbox = new Sandbox(repoLocation);


                lrFileReader = getReaderForLRFileonDisk();

               ILoadRule2 loadRule = ILoadRuleFactory.loadRuleFactory.getLoadRule(wconn, lrFileReader, monitor);


               ILoadOperation loadoperator = loadRule.getLoadOp(this.sandbox, LoadDilemmaHandler.getDefault(), monitor);



              FileSystemCore.getSharingManager().deregister(this.sandbox, monitor);



       When I make an attempt to unload a repository workspace as below :


              SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor);

              IWorkspaceConnection iWorkspaceConnection =

              getWorkspaceConn(SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(getItemRepository()), monitor,



               List<IConfigurationDescriptor> iConfigurationDescriptorList =

              unloadUbkManager.getConfigurationsToUnshare(iWorkspaceConnection, iWorkspaceConnection.getComponents());


              Set<ICopyFileArea> iCopyFileAreaSet = getCFAs(iConfigurationDescriptorList, subMonitor);

              Set<IConfigurationDescriptor> iConfigurationDescriptorSet =



              Collection<Shareable> shareableCollection =

              unloadUbkManager.getShareablesToUnshare(iCopyFileAreaSet, iConfigurationDescriptorSet, subMonitor);

              unloadUbkManager.deleteDirectories((List<Shareable>) shareableCollection);



              publicSet<ICopyFileArea> getCFAs(finalList<IConfigurationDescriptor> configurationsToUnshare,

               finalSubMonitor childMonitor) throwsTeamRepositoryException {

               Set<ICopyFileArea> interestingCopyFileAreas = newHashSet();

              ICopyFileAreaManager cfaMgr = ICopyFileAreaManager.instance;


              for(IConfigurationDescriptor configuration : configurationsToUnshare) {

               try {

              Collection<ICopyFileArea> copyFileAreas =

              cfaMgr.getCopyFileAreasForConfiguration(configuration, childMonitor.newChild(1));



               catch (FileSystemException e) {

              throw newTeamRepositoryException(e.getMessage());



              return interestingCopyFileAreas;




       method cfaMgr.getCopyFileAreasForConfiguration(configuration, childMonitor.newChild(1)); returns an empty list and because of which workspace is not unloaded.


       Could you guide me in solving this ?

       I decompiled CopyFileAreaManager.class to check the logic in getCopyFileAreasForConfiguration but the source code is not shared. 

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