How to fix a scheduled report to be saved to file location accessible outside of Cognos which is on Linux?

How to fix a scheduled report to be saved to a file location accessible outside of Cognos? Have a scheduled program running but need the output written to a file location outside of Cognos where it can be accessed with a program that will format and ftp it to an outside source automatically. Found IBM document which says to create a shared folder in Windows, but process won't work in a Unix or Linux environment. Lucky us, we are on Linux server and our Cognos Administrator says it can't be done. Anyone found a solution or a work-around to this?
One answer

Why not email the report ?

Cognos does not allow creation of the output in the format required by the outside source so we run it through a program that fixes it and ftp's it to them.

My point being, that the email recipient be tasked with the automation. It is possible with procmail (for example) and things that handle Mime ( e.g. perl ).
I also looked and the only place to save report is within the bounds of "Cogos"

I understood that when you send a report via email it has to be in pdf format is this not true?

In the Cognos schedule setup is the ability to override the format. There are choices that are not PDF i.e. a few Excel formats and even csv.