Retrieving the raw file from a changeset using the REST API

I have built a small python program for playing around with defects. I am able to pull the changeset collection from a defect and view the JSON file from the changeset:
\"modifiedBy\": { \"uri\": \"itemOid\\\/\\\/_-jH3wEslEeWIwpv-V-YAdQ\", \"itemId\": \"_-jH3wEslEeWIwpv-V-YAdQ\", \"\": \"\" }, \"changes\": [ { \"item\": { \"uri\": \"itemOid\\\/\\\/__5o0cB46EeSVP4AOyaueFQ\", \"itemId\": \"__5o0cB46EeSVP4AOyaueFQ\", \"\": \"\" }, \"kind\": 2, \"internalId\": \"_BoAmYKQNEeW8tvYITYLrgw\", \"merges\": [ { \"state\": \"_RSx_xKNVEeW8tvYITYLrgw\", \"kind\": 2, \"internalId\": \"_Eu--YKQNEeW8tvYITYLrgw\" }, { \"state\": \"_uhcTxPTpEeWwxYsnqAeZMw\", \"kind\": 2, \"internalId\": \"_RHgJoPWjEeWwxYsnqAeZMw\" } ], \"after\": \"_QvOzlPWjEeWwxYsnqAeZMw\", \"before\": \"_Fo6TSI4YEeWx7vJbV417Gw\" } ], \"originalSourceType\": 0, \"active\": false, \"originalSourceId\": null, \"modified\": \"2016-03-29T14: 17: 55.200Z\", \"predecessor\": \"_RHgJofWjEeWwxYsnqAeZMw\", \"contextId\": \"_Dp6kMdwTEd2jUupDpQV1Rw\", \"uri\": \"itemOid\\\/\\\/_BkszsKQNEeW8tvYITYLrgw\", \"stateId\": \"_B7kI-fW5EeWwxYsnqAeZMw\", \"itemId\": \"_BkszsKQNEeW8tvYITYLrgw\", \"mergePredecessor\": null, \"properties\": [ ], \"lastUpdatedDate\": \"2016-03-29T14: 17: 55.152Z\", \"owner\": { \"uri\": \"itemOid\\\/\\\/_-jH3wEslEeWIwpv-V-YAdQ\", \"itemId\": \"_-jH3wEslEeWIwpv-V-YAdQ\", \"\": \"\" }, \"sourceType\": 0, \"etag\": \"_B7kI-fW5EeWwxYsnqAeZMw\", \"sourceId\": null, \"component\": { \"uri\": \"itemOid\\\/\\\/_ouBTQE53EeCaGOtM6Ru5Tg\", \"itemId\": \"_ouBTQE53EeCaGOtM6Ru5Tg\", \"\": \"\" }, \"xComponentLink\": null, \"comment\": \"Merges 10.1 pom changes with current development\", \"\": \"\" }"
Now, I want to pull a copy of the file from this json file. What is the URL I need to compose to get the file?
Donald Nong
May 10 '16, 2:30 a.m.Try the URI that has "" in it.