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Change of behaviour in v2 for items in Plan

Brian Wolfe (25613725) | asked Aug 10 '09, 5:28 p.m.
in v1 , if an item in a plan was a parent, the children could be seen by expanding the parent.
This does not seem to be the case any more unless the children are in the plan as well.

Is this on purpose? Have a I missed a setting somewhere that allows the otherwise planned items to appear?

4 answers

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Michael Scharf (781) | answered Aug 11 '09, 5:24 a.m.
Children of work items, whose work item type is listed as top level type, are always shown, even if they do not belong to the plan.

We changed this behavior to control what exactly is shown on the plan and to improve SCRUM support.

To make use of this behavior to the full extend, new work item types were added. for example, the SCRUM process template now includes "Epics", which are usually planned for a release.
"Story" work items are then created as children to the epics, targeted for a sprint. A release backlog shows the epics and the respective child stories, even if they are planned for a sprint and/or different team.

Note that some plan modes show all work items as a flat list, so that a prioritized order can be defined among all plan items, regardless of their parent. In this case, you cant see the tree structure.

for more information, consider reading the articles and

Jazz Agile Planning team

wolfeb99 wrote:
in v1 , if an item in a plan was a parent, the children could be seen
by expanding the parent.
This does not seem to be the case any more unless the children are in
the plan as well.

Is this on purpose? Have a I missed a setting somewhere that allows
the otherwise planned items to appear?

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Michael Schneider (886) | answered Aug 12 '09, 12:00 p.m.
I intended to write:

"child work items, whose work item type is listed as top level type, "

Children of work items, whose work item type is listed as top level type, are always shown, even if they do not belong to the plan.

We changed this behavior to control what exactly is shown on the plan and to improve SCRUM support.

To make use of this behavior to the full extend, new work item types were added. for example, the SCRUM process template now includes "Epics", which are usually planned for a release.
"Story" work items are then created as children to the epics, targeted for a sprint. A release backlog shows the epics and the respective child stories, even if they are planned for a sprint and/or different team.

Note that some plan modes show all work items as a flat list, so that a prioritized order can be defined among all plan items, regardless of their parent. In this case, you cant see the tree structure.

for more information, consider reading the articles and

Jazz Agile Planning team

wolfeb99 wrote:
in v1 , if an item in a plan was a parent, the children could be seen
by expanding the parent.
This does not seem to be the case any more unless the children are in
the plan as well.

Is this on purpose? Have a I missed a setting somewhere that allows
the otherwise planned items to appear?

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Brian Wolfe (25613725) | answered Aug 12 '09, 12:17 p.m.
This is not what i see.
I have a top level workitem with child workitems that also are of type which is flagged as top level.
the parent is planned for the iteration but the child is not.
the parent shows in the plan but the child does not.
If the child is not flagged as top level, it shows in the plan(I think this is consistent).

Release plans seem to display as I expect, but not the iteration plans

Of course, people should not really be planning top level items that have other top level items as children for a sprint, but what can i do?

I can show you --contact me via internal email or sametime if necessary

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Michael Scharf (781) | answered Aug 13 '09, 9:54 a.m.
All plans include the items owned by the configured team and planned for the configured iteration.
Release plans additionally query for top level work items in child iterations and/or sub-team areas, depending on the release plan type.
Iteration plans do not query for top level work item on sub-team areas or child iterations - they are intended to be used for sprints (which typically are leaf iterations) of a single team.

see the section Plan Types of for details

Jazz Agile Planning team

wolfeb99 wrote:
This is not what i see.
I have a top level workitem with child workitems that also are of type
which is flagged as top level.
the parent is planned for the iteration but the child is not.
the parent shows in the plan but the child does not.
If the child is not flagged as top level, it shows in the plan(I think
this is consistent).

Release plans seem to display as I expect, but not the iteration

Of course, people should not really be planning top level items that
have other top level items as children for a sprint, but what can i

I can show you --contact me via internal email or sametime if

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