How to get Usage Statistics of CLM Server?
I am the Jazz Admin, for a server, I want to get the Usage Details(time) for the CLM server for one week, for one particular user. Like one day I have logged in for an hour or so, another day itis 3 hours, so on an average, how much could the average utilisation of the particular user be, at the end of the week?
One answer
Hi, Chandan
CLM provides licenses usage info and it is the only way to track the license usages by the users.
It does not seem that it is exactly what you are after. Many people use Tomcat access log or WAS audit feature
to track similar usage info, see the discussions here:
The similar request is discussed in:
There is a new feature added to v6.0.1(6.0.2 may have more on that) according to:
From there, there is more info in this page:
Although I don't know if it does provide the exact info you are interested in.
CLM provides licenses usage info and it is the only way to track the license usages by the users.
It does not seem that it is exactly what you are after. Many people use Tomcat access log or WAS audit feature
to track similar usage info, see the discussions here:
The similar request is discussed in:
There is a new feature added to v6.0.1(6.0.2 may have more on that) according to:
From there, there is more info in this page:
Although I don't know if it does provide the exact info you are interested in.