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Value sets in RTC not working at all.

Axel Ulmestig (34612) | asked Mar 24 '16, 4:14 a.m.

In a Project that I'm working with we've has an attribute in a work item called Authorized Approver. When setting that attribute you got to choose from one of the users that had the role Authorized Approver in the Project Area. This was done using a role based value set.
Then suddenly one day, you could choose from any users in the Project Area.

This really confused me, so I tried setting it up in a test PA. It showed the same behavior. I tried creating a dependent enumeration value set in the test PA, that didn't affect the available values either. It seems that no value sets work in any of my PA's.

Has anyone encountered something similar happening? We're using CLM 5.0.2.

Accepted answer

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Axel Ulmestig (34612) | answered Jun 01 '16, 9:07 a.m.
 This error went away when we upgraded to clm v6.0.1
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Mar 24 '16, 4:18 a.m.
Are there any indicators in the log files that something is going wrong? You could create a PMR with support to get it analyzed. The role based value set should definitively work.

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