Is there a way to automatically register Git repositories?

We have a large number (around 50) of git repositories that we wish to link to work items on RTC.
We can go through and do this one at a time, but it is extremely tedious and error prone to add them all this way. Also, we frequently add new Git repositories that we want to register.
Is there any way to register a Git repository programatically (via the REST or OSLC api maybe?
We're using RTC 5.0.2 if that makes a difference
We can go through and do this one at a time, but it is extremely tedious and error prone to add them all this way. Also, we frequently add new Git repositories that we want to register.
Is there any way to register a Git repository programatically (via the REST or OSLC api maybe?
We're using RTC 5.0.2 if that makes a difference
2 answers

Sort of...
The following works for me on 5.0.2 - I have not tested on v6.x. It will set $key to the git repository key.
projecID=_..... # UUID of the jazz project area
description="A Git Repository"
# authenticate
curl -v -k -c $jazzCookiesFile "$jazzRepoUrl/authenticated/identity" >&2
curl -v -k -L -b $jazzCookiesFile -c $jazzCookiesFile -d j_username=$jazzUserId -d j_password=$jazzPassword "$jazzRepoUrl/authenticated/j_security_check" >&2
# register...
curl -v -w "\nRESULT=%{http_code}\n" -k -b $jazzCookiesFile -H "Accept:text/json" -X POST "$jazzRepoUrl/service/$name&ownerItemId=$ownerItemId¤tPAItemId=$currentPAItemId&url=$url&description=$description" >/tmp/registerOut
key=$(sed -n 's/^.*"key":"\([a-z0-9]*\)".*$/\1/p' /tmp/registerOut)
if [ "$key" = "" ] ; then
echo "FAILED"
cat >&2 /tmp/registerOut
rm -f $jazzCookiesFile /tmp/registerOut
exit 1
rm -f /tmp/registerOut
# set commit uri format
curl -v -w "\nRESULT=%{http_code}\n" -k -b $jazzCookiesFile -H "Accept:text/json" -X POST "$jazzRepoUrl/service/$key&name=$name&description=$description&url=$url&ownerItemId=$projectId&configurationData=%7B%22com_ibm_team_git_config_use_repository_process_area_unmapped_refs%22%3A%22true%22%2C%22com_ibm_team_git_config_commit_url_format%22%3A%22%24repo%2Fcommit%2F%24sha1%22%2C%22com_ibm_team_git_config_git_server_credentials%22%3A%7B%22userId%22%3A%22%22%2C%22encryptedPassword%22%3A%22%22%7D%7D" >&2
rm -f $jazzCookiesFile
echo $key
The following works for me on 5.0.2 - I have not tested on v6.x. It will set $key to the git repository key.
projecID=_..... # UUID of the jazz project area
description="A Git Repository"
# authenticate
curl -v -k -c $jazzCookiesFile "$jazzRepoUrl/authenticated/identity" >&2
curl -v -k -L -b $jazzCookiesFile -c $jazzCookiesFile -d j_username=$jazzUserId -d j_password=$jazzPassword "$jazzRepoUrl/authenticated/j_security_check" >&2
# register...
curl -v -w "\nRESULT=%{http_code}\n" -k -b $jazzCookiesFile -H "Accept:text/json" -X POST "$jazzRepoUrl/service/$name&ownerItemId=$ownerItemId¤tPAItemId=$currentPAItemId&url=$url&description=$description" >/tmp/registerOut
key=$(sed -n 's/^.*"key":"\([a-z0-9]*\)".*$/\1/p' /tmp/registerOut)
if [ "$key" = "" ] ; then
echo "FAILED"
cat >&2 /tmp/registerOut
rm -f $jazzCookiesFile /tmp/registerOut
exit 1
rm -f /tmp/registerOut
# set commit uri format
curl -v -w "\nRESULT=%{http_code}\n" -k -b $jazzCookiesFile -H "Accept:text/json" -X POST "$jazzRepoUrl/service/$key&name=$name&description=$description&url=$url&ownerItemId=$projectId&configurationData=%7B%22com_ibm_team_git_config_use_repository_process_area_unmapped_refs%22%3A%22true%22%2C%22com_ibm_team_git_config_commit_url_format%22%3A%22%24repo%2Fcommit%2F%24sha1%22%2C%22com_ibm_team_git_config_git_server_credentials%22%3A%7B%22userId%22%3A%22%22%2C%22encryptedPassword%22%3A%22%22%7D%7D" >&2
rm -f $jazzCookiesFile
echo $key

Amazing... Let me check it out.

what does $url stands for?

Sorry, was copying lines out of a much longer script and missed that one :)
$url is the URL of the git repository, something like
1 vote

Thanks. I am almost done in porting your code to work on 6.0.2. Will post here the final code.

Hi Michael and Liora,
I am trying to do the same for 6.0.6 But I am not able to register. Getting the below error
"errorClass": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",
"errorMessage": "\"The method 'GitRepositoryRegistrationRestService.postRegisterGitRepository()' has been supplied with an illegal argument\"",
"errorCode": 400

In newer CLM version you can do it automatically using the script provided by CLM team. Please refer to Registering and updating Git repositories by using scripts document.
Liora Milbaum
Aug 15 '16, 2:04 a.m.Did you find a solution for your problem? I am facing the same challenge.