Changeset for multiple streams. Ignore or mark complete permanently
Consider: 2 Streams A & B, work item x
I delivered a change set for work item x to Stream A.
When I do comparison of Stream A & B, found that the same change set is not delivered in Stream B.
I have two choices, either I promote (deliver) the change set to stream B or don't do anything.
If I don't do anything, than in next comparison the same change set will show up as a missing item in Stream B.
I like to mark the change set NOT needed, or deliver it empty, or discard in a way that the comparison of stream should not reflect after first time.
How I can achieve this goal.
We need to keep in mind that we will always compare streams not work space.
I appreciate all inputs.
2 answers
Hi Surya,
To answer your question of first part, Yes, both stream have same components.
The Challenger I have is; like to do some thing in either of the stream so the change set should not appear to be needed in stream B, as the developer already decided that it is NOT needed in Stream B, and don't like to see again and again in the comparison of Stream A & B.
As a workaround, you can create a new stream, named something like "Reviewed-work-items". After you have reviewed a set of incoming changes, accept them into this new stream. Then you can cherry pick incoming work items from the stream to the Reviewed-work-items stream.
Hi Geoffrey,
Not sure how I will reject by the process you mentioned.
I have Stream A and B. Created a new steam from B ("Reviewed-work-items"), than compare and accepted in this new stream. Rest I didn't get it, would you please elaborate more.
I appreciate.
You have repository workspace ws-a and stream st-x, and you periodically, you want accept into ws-a some (but not all) of the change sets from st-x. Create stream "reviewed-x". Load ws-a into your Eclipse workspace. Declare st-x as a flow target of reviewed-x, and add reviewed-x into the Pending Changes view of your Eclipse workspace. Review all of the incoming changes for reviewed-x. Multi-select the ones you want to accept into ws-a, and select the open_with->Change_Explorer operation. Then multi-select the entries in the Change Explorer, and select Accept (this will accept those changes into your loaded workspace, ws-a). Then in the Pending Changes view, accept all incoming changes into the reviewed-x stream.