How to add Project Team Members to an Editor Presentation?
Accepted answer
One other answer
Did you try to use the attribute customization "Role based" value set?
If that does not provide you with what you need, the only option I see is a custom value set. It has to be a Java based customization. JavaScript will not provide you with what you want. See for an example.
If that does not provide you with what you need, the only option I see is a custom value set. It has to be a Java based customization. JavaScript will not provide you with what you want. See for an example.
Donald Nong
Feb 09 '16, 10:44 p.m.Are you trying to use the value set with provide "role based user list"? Once you configure the value set, you need to go back to Types and Attributes and choose the value set for the attribute with type Contributor. You did not explain your problem detailed enough so I'm not sure whether this is what you're looking for.