Error: failed to read entire content
Failed to download /path/file.ext
2 answers
I do not have admin privs to disable McAfee. Please elaborate as to why you'd suspect the virus checker? It usually scans files after they are downloaded completely like email but not while they are being downloaded, right? I was able to pause the online backup and finish Windows Updates before using RTC. Task Manager shows 1% cpu and network usage. But RTC is very slow 40 kb/s. I copied the details of the error message provided. There is no call stack. The error repeats over and over for all the files in the component it is attempting to load. Where is the ccm.log? The project admin and the sys admin are attempting to find clues on their end too. Please have the developers locate "failed to read entire content" in the code and elaborate on the conditions that generate this message. Separate what I should do as user client side and what the sys admin should do on the server side.
( typically happens when a file has changed during download or being truncated )
The call stack would be in the .log file of the Eclipse and ccm.log or jazz.log is the RTC server log which would be in the Server installation directory or WAS profile directory depending on what you are using to host your servers.
typically for tomcat and Liberty , the files are in JazzInstallDir/server/logs and RTC logs are named as ccm.log or jazz.log
40kbs is already quite slow. Where is your server located? I think in your case it would be not 123 solution since there are a few things that needs to be checked.
1. Server logs at the time when the issue was reproduced.
2. Eclipse .log at the time when the issue was reproduced.
3. Network traces or better yet check the health of the network . Start with using Metranome.
4. You would probably need support assistance in getting things looked at. So you would need to open a PMR with IBM.
A workaround as a user would be just reload the files that are out of sync due to this failure. As a user you get that option to reload.