How to get Affected By Defect in Java API

Hello Team,
I am trying to get the list of Affected By Defect logs using Java API, Though there is no direct parameter for Affected By Defect in WorkItemEndPoints
I am using the following code, but isItemReference() is not returning true
How can i fetch the logs details, Thanks for help!!
for(IReference ir: ((ISaveParameter) data).getNewReferences().getReferences(ILinkTypeRegistry.INSTANCE.getLinkType(WorkItemLinkTypes.AFFECTED_BY_DEFECT).getTargetEndPointDescriptor()))
IWorkItem r;
try {
r = iac.resolveAuditable((IWorkItemHandle)ir.resolve(),IWorkItem.FULL_PROFILE, null);
WorkflowInfo y =wfm.getWorkflowInfo(r, monitor);
String targetWItype = r.getWorkItemType();
String targetStateName = y.getStateName(r.getState2());
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Accepted answer

Because it is not a WorkItem to Work Item Link and it is likely not an ItemReference either.
The link type should be
and the endpoint should be ILinkTypeRegistry.INSTANCE.getLinkType(
You will get an URI and will have to use REST/OSLC to access the details.
The link type should be
and the endpoint should be ILinkTypeRegistry.INSTANCE.getLinkType(
You will get an URI and will have to use REST/OSLC to access the details.

Hello Ralph,
Thanks for the suggestion.
Is there any sample code to use REST/OSLC?

I am not an OSLC guy, there have ben numerous answers on this forum, so it might be beneficial to search. Also the RTC server uses REST/OSLC, so it might be an idea to search how it does that in the source. Tedios, I know, but that would be my first approach. Maybe als interesting: maybe these internal interfaces provide a hint?
Jayshri Burde
Nov 15 '17, 8:06 a.m.Hello Pankaj