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Client and server compatibility

Alexander Schick (2724) | asked Jan 19 '16, 9:27 a.m.
Hello everyone,

I have a question regarding client (here: Eclipse IDE) and server compatibility. I am aware that there is guarantee that a server will be backward compatible to clients for one major version number (link).

However, I am wondering if there are any other factors that can have an impact on compatibility. For example, is it possible that a project area of a newer server could use a process template that will then cause incompatibilities for older clients?

Thank you for any insights on this topic!

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Jan 19 '16, 2:00 p.m.
Not sure about the template concerns... but a guess would possibly that older clients just wouldn't know about features in the newer server.

It is also possible for the Jazz administrator to enable version compatability that can override the N, N-1 default, but that will affect client access across the repository.   ( section of the Application Advanced Properties )

Alexander Schick selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 20 '16, 2:01 a.m.

You usually will have to upgrade templates with the server upgrade. Trying to import a process template from a different version will not work.

Alexander Schick commented Jan 20 '16, 8:20 a.m.

Thank you, Kevin and Ralph, for your answers.

I understand now that a new server will always need a new process template. Then I assume that the compatibility guarantee for client-server also covers the compatibility with process templates of the new server.

Or in other word: Clients with version N-1 will work with servers and project area templates with version N.

Is this correct?

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 20 '16, 8:33 a.m.
  1. You can bring a process template from one version to the next by upgrading the repository and then exporting it,
  2. If N-1 is supported (which was recently the case) the client can work against a version N server, regardless the process template
  3. N-1 clients can experience performance degradiation and it is suggested to upgrae them asap
  4. N-1 clients might not provide all features, especially for template administration
  5. Upgrade the Jazz build engine asap

Alexander Schick commented Jan 22 '16, 2:35 a.m.

Ralph, thank you for your clarification!

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