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Is it possible to deploy Advanced Burndown Report (CLM 4.0.2 version) on CLM 4.0.7 Version ?

Arul Doraisamy (1634) | asked Jan 13 '16, 4:58 a.m.
We have CLM 4.0.7 version currently running, "Advanced Burndown Report" is not showing properly as it was in 4.0.2.

I read in a technote, By design, the report in v4.0.4 and newer are different from the report in v4.0.3.

My question  : Is it possible v4.0.2 rptdesign template be deployed in v4.0.7 ? How to do that? 


2 answers

permanent link
Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Jan 25 '16, 1:12 p.m.
Can you post the technote link? Did the technote mention any instructions due to the fact that the report in 4.0.4 was newer?

permanent link
Arul Doraisamy (1634) | answered Jan 27 '16, 12:11 a.m.
Here is the link

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