Poblem with BIRT Report for RTC
I need to create a report listing the WorkItems and present the sum of the estimate of children.
My problem:
I have a dataset of LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT table with (WI_ITEMID, WI_ID, SUMMARY, WI_TYPE) and another dataset of the LINKS table with (SOURCE_ITEMID and TARGET_ITEMID).
Crei one Join Dataset between WI_ITEMID and SOURCE_ITEMID, but did not get any results. Probably due because the query record limit .
Any idea how to solve this?
3 answers
The trick is to apply filters on both of the data sets, which is not feasible with the LINKS table. You could try the LIVE_SNAPSHOT table com.ibm.team.links.AuditableLink, which at least allows you to filter on type but that won't be enough if the repository is large. Or you could try the LIVE_SNAPSHOT table com.ibm.team.linkClosure.Relation, which extracts ancestors/descendants rather than parents/children but lets you filter on project area, type and more.The alternative is to script it
Both does not work. Background of the problem is:
Must list all Storys of a team, with sum of all children estimates.
Option 1:
Retrieving linked items with nested tables. Do not work because each child was in a separate table and therefore it was not possible to make the sum of estimates.
Option 2:
Do Children Dataset Join (Parent Dataset Join Links Dataset).Do not work because jazz query result set is limited
Must list all Storys of a team, with sum of all children estimates.
Story 001 | Summary
_____________________ Task 002 | Summary | Estimate
_____________________ Task 003 | Summary | Estimate
Story 004 | Summary
_____________________ Task 005 | Summary | Estimate
_____________________ Task 006 | Summary | Estimate
Option 1:
Retrieving linked items with nested tables. Do not work because each child was in a separate table and therefore it was not possible to make the sum of estimates.
Option 2:
Do Children Dataset Join (Parent Dataset Join Links Dataset).Do not work because jazz query result set is limited
and therefore (Parent Join Links) does not return results.
Workaround idea for Option 2: Create Advanced Dataset for Links and use this filter SOURCE_ITEMID IN "PARENT DATASET"
Its is Possible?
Workaround idea for Option 2: Create Advanced Dataset for Links and use this filter SOURCE_ITEMID IN "PARENT DATASET"
Its is Possible?