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Value set in Enumeration List

Pankaj Sharma (401170) | asked Oct 30 '15, 5:00 p.m.


I have created a Value Set with Provider as Dependent Enumeration.
Now I am trying to use the value set for Attribute Type : Enumeration List , But i am not getting the required value set in the value set dropdown in Type & Attributes Section.

Am i doing it wrong? Please help

3 answers

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Don Max (241734) | answered Nov 01 '15, 10:41 a.m.
Hi Pankaj,

      you need to set the depended attribute value for the attribute from the Types and attribute section. Choose the respective attribute and select edit option and add the depended value .

Pankaj Sharma commented Nov 02 '15, 10:10 a.m. | edited Nov 02 '15, 10:10 a.m.

Hello Don,

I did the same, but my problem is even after creating the value set & setting up the dependencies, I am not able to select the value set under:  Project Configuration>>Configuration Data>>Work Items>>Types and Attributes

Under that I selected the required work item and under Edit Custom Attributes, My Created value set is not displayed.

Note: The type of the attribute is Enumeration List onto which the value set is not displayed

I am sorry cannot upload the images because of less reputation count

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Nov 01 '15, 6:23 p.m.
Compare the instructions in the article and see what you have done differently.

Or articulate what you have exactly done and others may be able to figure it out for you.

Pankaj Sharma commented Nov 02 '15, 10:09 a.m.

Hello Donald,

I did the same, but my problem is even after creating the value set & setting up the dependencies, I am not able to select the value set under: 

Project Configuration>>Configuration Data>>Work Items>>Types and Attributes

Under that I selected the required work item and under Edit Custom Attributes, My Created value set is not displayed.

Note: The type of the attribute is Enumeration List onto which the value set is not displayed

I am sorry cannot upload the images because of less reputation count

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 02 '15, 10:20 a.m.
To be able to configure a value set provider for a custom attribute, you must have a matching type of the value set provider and the attribute. If the types are not compatible, the value set provider will not be available to pick.

A dependent enumeration returns a value set for an enumeration and only for an enumeration. It will only show as available for an attribute of type enumeration name (Enumeration). It will also not show for an enumeration list attribute.

Pankaj Sharma commented Nov 02 '15, 10:58 a.m.

Hello Ralph,

Thank You foe the response, Now I know the reason behind it, But while creating a value set I don't see any provider for Enumeration List, and my requirement is that user should be able to select multiple values.

Is there any workaround for this?

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 02 '15, 11:03 a.m.

You can use a JavaScript based value set - at least it shows as possible to configure. You might also be able to use a custom Java provider. I have however not tried that out myself.

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