How to set value of an attribute with type "string list" using rtc-sdk
I need a UI field to list multiple string value dynamic. I configurate a filed with type "stringlist", and I can add string in RTC UI. But when I using setAttriubute API to set a arrayList to a stringlist field, a exception will throw out.
I have ever using IProjectAreaHandlerList in RTC UI, the ArrayList<IProjectArea> can be set using setAttribute(id, arrayListValue), why it is not valid when use Stringlist.
Please give me an advise, any example to set "string list" type field value using RTC-SDK will be better.
Accepted answer
That was for up to 3.x. Now it is a List/collection (i.e. ArrayList of String Objects). Surprising!
There is code in
Actually, this is discussed here:
List<object> results = new ArrayList<object>()