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Is it possible to add RQM Saved Queries to Process Template?

Rophy Tsai (231117) | asked Sep 28 '15, 2:32 p.m.
As title, is it possible to add RQM Saved Queries to Process Template?

The configurations in Project Configuration/Configuration Data/Work Items/Predefined Queries seems are only applicable to RTC Queries.

What I want is to add RQM Saved Queries to Process Template, like this:

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paul chu (59411) | answered Sep 28 '15, 5:11 p.m.
Sorry Rophy, it is not supported in RQM.  FYI, there is something similar, predefined OOTB Execution shared queries in the coming release.  Be sure to check it out and please submit an enhancement request with more info of what you are looking for. 

Sterling Ferguson-II commented Sep 29 '15, 6:58 a.m.

Can these be copied via some other means like Copy Utils?

paul chu commented Oct 01 '15, 10:16 a.m.

No, there is no such tool yet for copy or export/import.

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