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About prohibitCompilationErrors precondition

Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | asked Jul 21 '09, 2:22 p.m.
Hi, I have a couple of questions about prohibitCompilationErrors

Reading the documentation at:
it says "deliver operations fail on Java files that have compilation

But if I open RTC Client, in the UI the name is Prohibit Workspace
Errors and its description says "Require that there are no errors in
affected projects when a change set is delivered".

So my questions are:

1.- Is it related just to Java files? Or is it related to my workspace
in general (no errors, it doesn't matter the technology: Java, XML, etc...)?

2.- Is there any way to avoid delivers of change set with errors but
taking no care of the rest of files of my projects or workspaces? It is
possible that there are some "known" errors in the workspace and in such
case I am forbidden to deliver anything if the precondition is set. What
I would like to prohibit is to deliver a change set containing a file
with errors. Is it possible such scenario?

Thanks in advance,


2 answers

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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Jul 22 '09, 4:06 a.m.
Chemi wrote:
Hi, I have a couple of questions about prohibitCompilationErrors

Reading the documentation at:
it says "deliver operations fail on Java files that have compilation

But if I open RTC Client, in the UI the name is Prohibit Workspace
Errors and its description says "Require that there are no errors in
affected projects when a change set is delivered".

So my questions are:

1.- Is it related just to Java files? Or is it related to my workspace
in general (no errors, it doesn't matter the technology: Java, XML,

2.- Is there any way to avoid delivers of change set with errors but
taking no care of the rest of files of my projects or workspaces? It is
possible that there are some "known" errors in the workspace and in such
case I am forbidden to deliver anything if the precondition is set. What
I would like to prohibit is to deliver a change set containing a file
with errors. Is it possible such scenario?

I have installed WTP 3.0.4 on top of RTC Client 2.0 and have done a
simple test with XML files into a Web Project, ad I double checked that
if there are errors in a XML file I can't do delivers.

So answering my first question, it seems documentation is wrong and the
precondition checks any Error in the affected project. It is also false
what is said in the UI about workspace, it is just the affected project.

But I still not finding a way to solve my second question (without
developing my own precondition). Any comment?

Thanks in advance,


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Jared Burns (4.5k29) | answered Jul 22 '09, 8:05 a.m.
On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 20:22:49 +0200, Chemi wrote:

Reading the documentation at:
it says "deliver operations fail on Java files that have compilation

This is an error in the help documentation. The precondition's
description in the RTC client is accurate:

"Require that there are no errors in affected projects when a change set
is delivered."

To answer your second question, there's no way to configure the existing
precondition to only examine the files being delivered. This would be
technically possible to implement, though I'm not sure how generally
useful it is. I'd suggest filing an enhancement request against Source

Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team

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