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[RTC 6.0.0] : post-buil deploy

eric nolmans (281712) | asked Aug 25 '15, 7:13 a.m.

we installed a z/os RTC build agent and z/os UDeploy agent.
In our first test, we are able to build and compile from RTC PL/I applications. our next step is to make a link between RTC and UDeploy.

Where can I found any document that explains how to implement the link between RTC and UDeploy.
What do I need to create at RTC side?



Accepted answer

permanent link
Krishna Kishore (50112) | answered Aug 25 '15, 8:23 a.m.
You can refer to the following links:

eric nolmans selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

permanent link
eric nolmans (281712) | answered Aug 25 '15, 9:23 a.m.

thank you for the links.
The "old dog, ...." document describes the process to deploy a war file, same for the youtube movie.
I'm looking for an example that explains how to deploy PL/I or COBOL applications using RTC and UDeploy.
The jazz document is very short and the most examples are still using RTC 4 and not RTC 6.

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