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Server Side plugin are not visible in RTC6.0

Chandan M B (1134082) | asked Jul 20 '15, 2:21 a.m.
edited Jul 21 '15, 4:52 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)

I used to deploy the plugins in 5.0.2 ccm->conf->sites folder
and ini in provision_profile folder. I used to configure it to the project area as a follow up action.

I have upgraded the server to 6.0. I am deploying plugins in the similar way. My plugin is not visible in follow up action  to configure to the Project Area. Please help what needs to be done in 6.0!!


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 20 '15, 2:34 a.m.
There is no change in how to deploy RTC extensions in RTC, however, it is common sense to test if the extension still runs with RTC 6.0. I have seen no breaking API changes in 6.0 however, that does not mean that there aren't any.
Also the extensions contain dependencies to the API which can include a version info. If done wrong, this can result in the plugin not being deployable. You would see all this in a 6.0 development environment.

Chandan M B commented Jul 20 '15, 3:10 a.m.

Hello Ralph,

Also the extensions contain dependencies to the API which can include a version info. If done wrong, this can result in the plugin not being deployable. You would see all this in a 6.0 development environment.

Please can you elaborate on the above . How to check this version info.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 20 '15, 3:32 a.m.

You can see and edit the dependency versions in the development environment in the plugin.xml. You can also see errors there if you look at it in 6.0.

Dependency versions shows how to check if the components are available and the ccm.log would show problems that happen when loading the extensions.

Chandan M B commented Jul 21 '15, 2:28 a.m.

why component status of a plugin is not visible in 6.0 like in 5.0.2 ?
As i check some ccm logs of 6.0 , most of the service is getting failed to be activated.

I am not seeing any follow up action to configure it to my PA.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 21 '15, 4:05 a.m.

I have proven, at least to me, that there is no change in how deployment works in RTC 6.0 and my extensions deploy fine the same way they ever have.

So my assumption is that you are doing something wrong. Since you also fail to provide any valuable information that would allow to get any idea what could be wrong, I don't think we can help.

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