[closed] Could not find or load main class WorkshopSetup.jar
vikrant kamble (132●38●97)
| asked Jul 03 '15, 5:35 a.m.
closed Jul 06 '15, 7:49 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.6k●3●36●47)
Hi All,
I am following rational team concert extension workshop to set development environment to extend RTC provided on below link
Instead of using web installers to install Server and client I used Installation managers to install Jazz team server and RTC eclipse client. However directory in my system is same as the one shown in workhsop.
When I open WorkshopSetup.bat in notepad first line I see is
"set JAVA_HOME=..\TeamConcert\jazz\client\eclipse\jdk"
but in my system jdk folder is directly under TeamConcert folder therefore in WorkshopSetup.bat file I changed first line as
"set JAVA_HOME=..\TeamConcert\jdk"
When I try to run WorkshopSetup.bat file it is showing me error as
"Could not find or load main class WorkshopSetup.jar"
How do I resolve this problem
I am performing this workshop on CLM version 5.0.2
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Problem is not reproducible or outdated" by rschoon Jul 06 '15, 7:49 a.m.
One answer
Ralph Schoon (63.6k●3●36●47)
| answered Jul 03 '15, 6:00 a.m.
As described in 1.3 Setup the RTC Tomcat Server step _14_b on Page 26 this depends on the relative locations, if you did not follow the steps exactly, and your structure does not look like 1.1 Download and Unzip the Required Files from jazz.net on Page 13 you will have to fix the paths - and not necessarily only one. Dependent on how you deviated, all paths could be affected.
An absolute path would be "C:\RTC502Dev\installs\TeamConcert\jazz\client\eclipse\jdk" or "C:/RTC502Dev/installs/TeamConcert/jazz/client/eclipse/jdk" Comments
vikrant kamble
commented Jul 03 '15, 6:22 a.m.
In my system I installed JTS,CCM and RTC using Installation Manager. "jdk" folder was directly under "Team Concert" therefore I had to change that line.
When first time I opened WorkshopSetup.bat I tried to run it as it is It showed me "the system cannot find the path specified" therefore I changed JAVA_HOME to set JAVA_HOME=..\TeamConcert\jdk
With the information provided, I can't tell anything. If you use the zip version of RTC and install in the same structure, it always worked for me an all 6 versions I tested.
"Could not find or load main class WorkshopSetup.jar"
does not make sense, becase java is called with -jar and the main class is configured inside the jar file.
vikrant kamble
commented Jul 04 '15, 3:18 a.m.
I am performing workshop on windows
If you sa open the jar, what do you mean?
And the batch file with sensible settings works. We have proven that over and over again.
The parameters are set in the batch file. If you can't figure how to set the paths to a JDK and the plain Java client libraries run the batch file, I don't have high hopes for you being able to follow the workshop let alone develop your own extensions.
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Do you get the same result if you use absolute path for JAVA_HOME?
How to set absolute path for JAVA_HOME?
Find out the the absolute path for the TeamConcert\jdk directory, for example, C:\RTC502Dev\installs\TeamConcert\jdk, and then set it in WorkshopSetup.bat
Yes It was showing same error even after setting absolute path