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Can you force a specific time zone to display in RTC?

Mike Ballard (681610) | asked Jun 20 '15, 12:08 p.m.

When displaying an attribute of type timestamp in RTC, the Web & Eclipse client both default to displaying the time in the local time zone. 

I have already tried setting the Work Environment to the preferred time zone, but that doesn't seem to alter the display of a work item's editor presentation.

Is there a way to force the Web & Eclipse clients to display a specific time zone (ie: UTC) regardless of the local time zone?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 21 '15, 9:51 p.m.
I am not aware of any functionality that can address such issue. The "work location" that you mentioned only affects planning, not displaying attributes.

Maybe you can create a custom attribute of short string type to shadow the timestamp attribute, use a script to convert the values between these two attributes and only show the short string field in the editor presentation.

Mike Ballard commented Jun 23 '15, 7:08 p.m.


Thanks for the reply.  I am going to keep looking to see if there is a clean way to accomplish this. 

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