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Test Case resue in multiple test plans

Ashwath G (6623951) | asked May 04 '15, 6:34 a.m.

We would like to use the test case in multiple test plans, but when i add the test case to other test plan and when we try to execute it still mapping the execution records to the old test plan.

As a work around if we duplicate test case, i need to add this expicitly to test plan again. This is tedious for me to do this for 100 test cases every day.

Is there any work around for this ....?

Thank you....!

Accepted answer

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Reshma Ratnani (1.1k1) | answered May 04 '15, 6:39 a.m.
Hi Ashwath,

You need to create a new Test Case Execution Records for each TestPlan. From TestPlan editor itself you can create its Test Case Execution Record. In the TestCases section of TestPlan editor you have an option to Generate Execution Record for the selected TestCase.
Ashwath G selected this answer as the correct answer

Ashwath G commented May 04 '15, 7:34 a.m.

Thank you Reshma...It works

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