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RTC Extension Deployment on WebSphere

Robert Carter (42928789) | asked Feb 23 '15, 11:35 a.m.
 Are there different steps to deploy RTC Extensions when you are running on WebSphere vs Tomcat?  I have developed an extension on Tomcat and now want to deploy on Websphere.  I have verified the in the CCM Admin App that my extension did deploy, but It doesn't seem to be getting kicked off.

Accepted answer

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Feb 23 '15, 7:22 p.m.
The steps should be the same
Robert Carter selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Martin Keßler (334) | answered Jul 17 '15, 6:19 a.m.
Can someone please provide some details on the WebSphere extension deployment? I have successfully created an extension following the RTC Extensions workshop and deployed it to my test Tomcat. But the target environment is WebSphere 8.5, and there is no "sites" or "provision_profiles" folder.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 17 '15, 7:00 a.m.

The folders are exactly where they are if you deploy with Tomcat. [serverInstallDir]/server/conf/ccm (assuming a default context root for RTC.

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