Not able to read Execution variable when added in RQM from Poster client
HI ,
When we add execution variable in one of the step in testscript and fetch details using poster client , then we get error as Bad request -400. Please provide steps to fetch details of testscript which has execution variable. Without execution variable present in step we are able to get all details of test scripts.
Accepted answer
You should be able to use the standard request for a test script to obtain the XML which will include the an execution variable (if one is included in the Manual Test script)
For example
https://<HOST>:<PORT>/qm/service/<Project Area>/testscript/<ID>
This is how the Manual Test Script looks within the GUI
Value in the XML returned by Poster
<ns2:scripttype></ns2:scripttype><ns2:variables><ns2:variable><ns2:name>My Exe varible</ns2:name><ns2:value>Value 12345</ns2:value></ns2:variable></ns2:variables><ns2:includeBuiltInVars>false</ns2:includeBuiltInVars><ns2:steps><ns9:step ns1:id="_nSLnoqI-EeS8dKZqHgA8QA" type="execution" stepIndex="1">
Paul Slauenwhite
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 22 '15, 8:40 a.m.Can you provide your GET request URL and response content?