Not getting the modification after exporting test case to RQM using RQM Excel Importer.
Accepted answer
Can you provide more details about the problem you are facing? What are you trying to update for the TestCase?
Which version of RQM are you using?
I am using RQM Version - 4.0, Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries Version - 4.0.3. and RQM Excel Importer Version - 4.0.6. Actually I am trying to add new line into a test script(test execution step).
try using DIV(column name) or RichText(column name) modifier in cfg file. Refer below link for more reference
Hello Reshma,
Thanks for your help. The problem is solved.
But I still need your help for another issue.
Issue is : Reviewer getting mail though he reviewed the artifact.
Can you specify what solution did you try for the issue just so that anybody visiting this forum also can use it to solve the same issue.
Regarding the email, what type of email is the reviewer receiving? Is it saying review is pending or something else?
For updating test case and test script I have used the Pre(column name) in config file.
Subject of the mail is Overdue 'Review' request: 'Artifact Review'