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bug in RTC?

Michael Man (51106) | asked May 14 '09, 5:03 p.m.
Hi there,
i noticed that there's a workspace directory in the build engine, and each time rtc runs a build, it fetches all the files to that workspace directory. Each time a new build of that build definition is requested, the build engine fetches the latest changes from RTC and dump them to the workspace directory.
However, when I delete something from the stream, the deletion doesn't get into the workspace directory, it looks like the build engine is not deleting anything if the file is removed from the source repository. Does anyone know if it's a bug in the system? Or do i get some wrong configurations?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 18 '09, 2:25 a.m.
Hello mman,

I am not sure this is a bug. You could check the workitems and potentially
create a new one if you think it is.

In the meantime you could use the Load option "Delete directory before loading"
in the Build Definition on the Jazz Source Control Tab to get rid of files
that are deleted.


Hi there,
i noticed that there's a workspace directory in the build engine, and
each time rtc runs a build, it fetches all the files to that
workspace directory. Each time a new build of that build definition
is requested, the build engine fetches the latest changes from RTC
and dump them to the workspace directory.
However, when I delete something from the stream, the deletion doesn't
get into the workspace directory, it looks like the build engine is
not deleting anything if the file is removed from the source
repository. Does anyone know if it's a bug in the system? Or do i get
some wrong configurations?

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