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How to integrate RQM with rational Functional Tester

Darpan Sathe (611) | asked Nov 05 '14, 4:16 a.m.
edited Nov 05 '14, 5:01 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)
While integrating RFT with the RQM, I just checked it on IBM site. But I am getting one different field while connecting the adapter ie. Project Area. And this field is not even editanble.  And without populating that field if I click on apply then it will show error that ur URL is not in proper format. Can u suggest any solution????

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Georg Kellner (840479109) | answered Nov 05 '14, 5:32 a.m.
Can you provide some screenshots please?

I've set up this integration many times.
Put in the url, user and password. After this you'll be allowed to choose the project area.

If the user has no access to any project area, you can't choose any.

greetings georg.

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