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Is there a way to use SSH instead of HTTPS to work with repositories?

Cesar Ivan Orozco Cervantes (10910) | asked Oct 27 '14, 1:40 p.m.
edited Oct 27 '14, 1:40 p.m.

I've been having problems with HTTPS on my machine, I know what the problem is but unfortunately I can't fix it due to different reasons. Some other services like GitHub provides different protocols, like SSH to work with repositories, so you just need to upload your public key and keep the private key on your machine, I can do that with GitHub and other repository hosting services but I don't see that option here in DevOps Services.

Could someone confirm that this is not supported? and if it is not supported, as a suggestion, it will be really good if DevOps supported another protocols, not just HTTPS.


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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Oct 27 '14, 3:31 p.m.
correct, you cannot use ssh.. you cannot separate source control from the rest of the RTC system..

the clients use REST api calls under the covers.

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