RRC Data Source Schema not visible in RPE
The specifics:
RRC v4.0.5, RPE v1.2.1.1.
In RPE I create a new template and a new data source schema to connect my RRC server. I'm using the following URL:
I authenticate to the RRC server using an account that is in the JazzAdmin group and has JazzAdmin privileges and specifying OAuth as the authentication mechanism.
So, the console says the schema is downloaded, but I don't see the attributes in the Data Source Schema to put onto the template.
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance
Accepted answer
You should add the schema using https://localhost:9443/rm/publish/resources?metadata=schema
(note the typo - metadata instead of metaschema) and when prompted for authentication, provide username/password and set authentication type to OAuth.
After this, you will see the schema added in Data Source view. The attributes can be seen when you expand the schema.
(note the typo - metadata instead of metaschema) and when prompted for authentication, provide username/password and set authentication type to OAuth.
After this, you will see the schema added in Data Source view. The attributes can be seen when you expand the schema.