What is the best way to create an RTC component?
We were using clearcase UCM and recently we moved to RTC 5.0 , and in my old clercase ucm setup development team is having small small code of different different projects say approximately 80 projects
My setup was one PVOB and One Single VOB and under that I use to create a component using
"COMPONENT INSIDE THE VOB" (selecting base vob.)
and I will create a New Project under PVOB and associate the newly created component and created a Intial baseline. and after that using integration view and selecting the correct component I will import the their particular project source code (data) to COMPONENT. and developers will create a child stream and deliver their work to newly created project integration stream.
My setup will be
One Single PVOB and one single VOB under that many projects will be there and each project will have their own components
The reason behind doing the above setup is if any body asks what is the new release for that particular project, that time just go to Project integration stream and get the latest baseline.
My query is :- How can I do the same setup in RTC, Mainly I am looking for if any body asks what is your latest baseline of that Project? or what is the latest release number?
1) Do I need to create a 80 different projects or
2) Once I create a Main a project, default streams and default component will create under that do I need to create a New components for that particular project source codes and Import the source code to the newly created components?
3) If I go with the Number 2 option creating a new component, If some one asks what is your latest baseline of that project I can't able to tell right.
One answer
So just as in ClearCase UCM, in RTC, you would create a "project integration stream" to capture the evolving state of your components for that project (including the addition and removal of components to/from that project). When that stream has reached a state you want to remember, you would create a snapshot of that stream. So:
(1) You would create a single project integration stream (RTC does not have an object called a "project").
(2) Just as with UCM ClearCase, you can either add components from other projects to this project integration stream, or if this is the first time this component is used in any stream, you could create a new component to add to this project integration stream.
(3) I'm not quite sure what is being asked here ... perhaps the comments above have covered this topic?
Hi Geoffrey
Either way to create a component is fine ... the only difference is that when you create a component in a stream, it is initialized to be owned by the owner of that stream, while when you create a component in a workspace, it is initialized to be owned by you. But since you can easily change the ownership of the component, and you can easily add/remove an existing component to/from a stream/workspace, it doesn't matter where/how you create the component.
Hi Geoffry
Thanks for the detailed answer for the owner ship of Components.
One more query:-
I have 10 different different projects source code (data)
Do I need to create a separate stream and separate component for each project ?
(I need to import source codes to that particular component)
What is the best way to have it? or I can put Best way to organize it
Hi Geffory
Some more on the above queries...
the above Project I mentioned was (source code data) of that particular team or project
in my UCM I will be creating a Separate stream and separate component for each team (projects data or projects source code) and after their modification they will deliver to their project integration stream.
Coming to RTC:-
How can I go for that?
Can I go with separate stream and separate component?
and as a admin import the source code to that particular component so their will not be any confusion after their work done and they will deliver it to default target stream.
Please advice here about seperate stream and sparate component
One RTC stream for importing all projects should be sufficient (no reason I can think of for having a separate stream per component).
WRT how many projects to store in a given component:
- The primary semantics of a component is that it defines the scope of a "baseline". So if two projects depend on each other to the extent that you'd never create a baseline of one without also creating an associated baseline of the other, it would make sense to put the two projects in the same RTC component.
- Another important characteristic of an RTC component is that a given change set belongs to an RTC component. So if you decide you need to relocate some files from one component to another, it is hard to apply a change set from the original component to the new component. This means that if it is likely that you will want to refactor some files between two projects, it is best to have them loaded into the same RTC component.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 20 '14, 12:41 a.m.Note that it is important to title your question with an actual question (not just a phrase like "RTC Project"). I've edited the title to turn it into a question ... please edit further if that isn't the question you meant to ask.