How to dynamically show Drop down box based on a selection in a multi-checkbox
3 answers
Please have a look at Lab 4 for how a 'Dependent Enumeration' works. This also explained here:
I am assuming the classification is also an enumeration. I am not aware it works with all types of input values. If you have a different input value, you could use JavaScript as explained in the workshop and in .
Sorry, misunderstood the question somewhat. As far as I know, there are only the available selections to hide in the editor presentations. There is no hide on condition, as far as I am aware. You can use a (JavaScript) condition to make an attribute read only as an alternative. The links above still apply for this approach.
Thanks Ralph Schoon!
I tried using the Read only attributes for condition. But I see some strange behaviour .Here it goes
I created a javascript which will return false for risk and true for other values.
Step 1: select input other than risk O/P: field is readonly
Step2 : deselect the existing value and selected risk O/P: able to change the value od the field
Step3: deselect the risk and selected other value O/p still I`m able to change the value which should not be the case.
please provide your inputs.