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RTC - How to resolve the STATE enumeration?

When I am loading the STATE attribute from workitem, I am getting something like "com.ibm.team.workitem.defectWorkflow.state.s13", then to get the STATE name I do: <code>WorkflowUtilities.findWorkflowInfo(workItem, monitor).getStateName(workItem.getState2());</code>
But when I need to get other attributes value, from Enumeration, I do: <code>(List<ConfigurationItem>) workItemClient.resolveEnumeration(iAttribute, monitor).getEnumerationLiterals();</code>, then I can get the display name making <code>configurationItem.getDisplayName()</code>
It's possible to make something like this to STATE property?
Accepted answer

The state attribute is no enumeration. I think you should provide more information on what you want to achieve. I blogged about working with workflow states here: http://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2012/11/26/manipulating-work-item-states/
If you want the (display) name of a state, I think you need to use workflowInfo.getStateName(stateId)
If you want the (display) name of a state, I think you need to use workflowInfo.getStateName(stateId)