Getting a list of ChangeSets for a given Stream
I'm trying to get a list of ChangeSets for a given Stream:
IChangeHistory ch = workspaceConnection.changeHistory(componentHandle);
I do get a history for one stream, but I am unable to change the flowtarget of the workspace to another stream in order to see the history of that stream.
Here is what I am trying to do to change the flowtarget:
IWorkspaceHandle streamA = getStreamOrWorkspace(streamName, wm, IWorkspaceSearchCriteria.STREAMS);
for (Object o : new ArrayList<Object>(flowTable.deliverTargets())) {
IFlowEntry e = (IFlowEntry)o;
IFlowNodeHandle flowNode = e.getFlowNode();
flowTable.addAcceptFlow(streamA, repo.getId(), repo.getRepositoryURI(), null, null);
flowTable.addDeliverFlow(streamA, repo.getId(), repo.getRepositoryURI(), null, null);
Is there a more correct way to change the flow target, and then get the changesets? Or, is there a better way than changing the flow target?
One answer
Why change flow tables? just get a workspaceconnection to the other stream and get its history.
workspace and stream are the same in this regard.
and u can do this from the commandline..
there was also a utility I wrote to dump all the changsets in a stream to find an access problem. I think it is in the tools stream (and on the N: drive).. ask Gaurav
workspace and stream are the same in this regard.
and u can do this from the commandline..
there was also a utility I wrote to dump all the changsets in a stream to find an access problem. I think it is in the tools stream (and on the N: drive).. ask Gaurav
Steve Ashton
Jul 14 '14, 1:24 p.m.