How can I load components with the same folder names?
We have components in a team stream called "main" and a team stream for each specific release--in this case, "main-14.3." Both team streams have components and folders with identical names. I need to be able to check in and deliver to both components. I have loaded the components for "main" but when I try to load "main-14.3" I get the following error: "Folder can not be loaded into sandbox because it overlaps with [component name] which comes from the same server workspace and is loaded in the chosen sandbox." I have tried "Load As" and renaming the Local Path and I still get this error. I've also tried creating separate workspaces and sandboxes and still get the error as well. Can you please tell me how I can avoid this issue?
sam detweiler
Jul 08 '14, 10:40 p.m.Why do you want to load them together? To build?
Christy England
Jul 08 '14, 11:42 p.m.Yes, to build both the main component and the release component separately
sam detweiler
Jul 09 '14, 8:01 is different.. if the workspace has multiple flow targets, it will pull from all of them. You cannot create this manually with Load