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Efficient switching between streams

John Morris (3153) | asked Apr 16 '09, 1:35 a.m.
Our engineers are actively developing the unreleased version 2.0 of our product, but still doing bug fixes on version 1.0 of our already deployed product.

A developer came to me today asking to create a 'common user' whose credentials would be used on a shared workstation so that the devs wouldn't have to change their workspaces in order to submit change sets to the 1.0 stream and then change back to continue work on the 2.0 stream. The dev said this would make their lives better, since switching workspaces takes a long time.

Since I'm the Systems Engineer and Administrator, I have to be aware of issues of accountability. The suggestion of practically anonymous commits sounds like a bad idea, and hasn't been needed with the other SCM systems I've managed in the past. However, it is in our business's best interest to provide an environment where the devs can do their work efficiently, and these guys are usually pretty patient, so I believe it when they say that this is costing them time.

Although I don't want to create a common user, I also have no better solution for them. Can someone in the forums comment on both my fears about sharing accounts, as well as whether there is some more efficient way of switching between streams on the devs' workstations?

7 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 16 '09, 10:13 a.m.
WRT a "common user", your instincts are right ... that is never the
right answer in RTC.

First thing to find out is what exactly the developer is referring to
when they say "switching workspaces takes a long time". In particular,
if they load their 1.0 and 2.0 repository workspaces into separate
Eclipse workspaces, then it just takes a couple of seconds to switch
(for the virtual memory to swap in and out).


jman wrote:
Our engineers are actively developing the unreleased version 2.0 of
our product, but still doing bug fixes on version 1.0 of our already
deployed product.

A developer came to me today asking to create a 'common user' whose
credentials would be used on a shared workstation so that the devs
wouldn't have to change their workspaces in order to submit change
sets to the 1.0 stream and then change back to continue work on the
2.0 stream. The dev said this would make their lives better, since
switching workspaces takes a long time.

Since I'm the Systems Engineer and Administrator, I have to be aware
of issues of accountability. The suggestion of practically anonymous
commits sounds like a bad idea, and hasn't been needed with the other
SCM systems I've managed in the past. However, it is in our
business's best interest to provide an environment where the devs can
do their work efficiently, and these guys are usually pretty patient,
so I believe it when they say that this is costing them time.

Although I don't want to create a common user, I also have no better
solution for them. Can someone in the forums comment on both my
fears about sharing accounts, as well as whether there is some more
efficient way of switching between streams on the devs' workstations?

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Brian Gillan (3215330) | answered Apr 23 '09, 2:26 p.m.
Would changing the root folder of the project for each release be an
option? We're moving development of a product into RTC from PVCS. In
PVCS, each subsequent release would be stored under a different project
name in PVCS. Example, ProductX has two releases code named Foo and Bar.
A singles component was created in RTC (name matches the product name of
"ProductX"). The first release was imported into RTC and the root folder
name set to "Foo"... a separate stream was created for this so
maintenance could be done on the release. In the "Latest development"
stream, the project root folder was changed to "Bar". As such,
workspaces for both streams can be loaded as the same time.


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 23 '09, 9:54 p.m.
Hi Brian,

With RTC-2.0, you can load different workspaces into different folders
in the file area, so there's no need to rename the project root folder
to do this. But note that assuming you are using .project files,
Eclipse won't let you load into the same Eclipse workspace two projects
with the same name in their .project file.


Brian Gillan wrote:
Would changing the root folder of the project for each release be an
option? We're moving development of a product into RTC from PVCS. In
PVCS, each subsequent release would be stored under a different project
name in PVCS. Example, ProductX has two releases code named Foo and Bar.
A singles component was created in RTC (name matches the product name of
"ProductX"). The first release was imported into RTC and the root folder
name set to "Foo"... a separate stream was created for this so
maintenance could be done on the release. In the "Latest development"
stream, the project root folder was changed to "Bar". As such,
workspaces for both streams can be loaded as the same time.


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Brian Gillan (3215330) | answered Apr 24 '09, 1:38 p.m.
Thanks Geoff, In our case, I believe the project name is changed in the
..project file as well, for each new release.

However, I think we will still have an issue for maintenance streams in
the same release, so it's good to know this function is coming in 2.0.
It should facilitate delivering changes to multiple streams for the same


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Brian Gillan (3215330) | answered Apr 24 '09, 1:54 p.m.
Actually, after I thought about what you said, The RTC 2.0 function
won't help if you want to load two different workspaces associated with
the same "project" (for example to do delivery to multiple streams
associated with the same "project").

So, I'm wondering what benefit this will be? I guess it will be a
benefit for cases where the work isn't being managed as an Eclipse project?


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 24 '09, 10:03 p.m.

I'd strongly encourage you to find out from the developers why they
think "switching workspaces" is expensive. It sounds like they have
some notions of how things should be done based on using non-RTC SCM
systems. For those other SCM systems, the only way to do a "compare"
was to load both variants of the system into the same workspace, so they
can select the two files and "compare" them. This is not the case with
RTC ... it has a wide range of powerful compare capabilities, where you
can compare the version you have loaded in your workspace with an
arbitrary version in the repository (no reason to have those other
versions loaded into your workspace).

In particular, their unnecessary "workarounds" (changing the project
name specified in each of their .project files for each release) will
severely hamper any kind of inter-system or inter-release sharing
(because of the introduced project name mis-matches and
inconsistencies). It also disrupts the powerful compare capabilities of
RTC, because of these unnecessary differences between the .project file


Brian Gillan wrote:
Thanks Geoff, In our case, I believe the project name is changed in the
.project file as well, for each new release.

However, I think we will still have an issue for maintenance streams in
the same release, so it's good to know this function is coming in 2.0.
It should facilitate delivering changes to multiple streams for the same


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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Apr 26 '09, 4:40 p.m.
Our engineers are actively developing the unreleased version 2.0 of our product, but still doing bug fixes on version 1.0 of our already deployed product.

A developer came to me today asking to create a 'common user' whose credentials would be used on a shared workstation so that the devs wouldn't have to change their workspaces in order to submit change sets to the 1.0 stream and then change back to continue work on the 2.0 stream. The dev said this would make their lives better, since switching workspaces takes a long time.

Since I'm the Systems Engineer and Administrator, I have to be aware of issues of accountability. The suggestion of practically anonymous commits sounds like a bad idea, and hasn't been needed with the other SCM systems I've managed in the past. However, it is in our business's best interest to provide an environment where the devs can do their work efficiently, and these guys are usually pretty patient, so I believe it when they say that this is costing them time.

Although I don't want to create a common user, I also have no better solution for them. Can someone in the forums comment on both my fears about sharing accounts, as well as whether there is some more efficient way of switching between streams on the devs' workstations?

Completely agree with your concern about the anonymous accounts. Geoff (as usual) has good ideas.

Depending on how your RTC projects are set up - you might be able to use the Suspend/Resume capability. This might help "switching workspaces". Take a look at this (the Help does describe how this works)- and see if it will help your colleagues switch from 2.0 work to 1.0 work.


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