Where is the cache from a REST API query is stored?
Accepted answer
BTW, what errors/message did you get so that you believed the cache was "purged"?
Is it the query timeout? default 5 minutesĀ
Thanks Donald and Sam. Actually I did not go deep into the problem yet. I posted this question because a while ago I had a very similar issue when using HP Quality Center API, and after a lot of investigation the solution was to increase a cache expiration property. So I thought RTC could have a similar property to handle cache timeout.
I found the query timeout property and as you said, it is set to 300 sec (5 min). Does this property still apply even when querying through the REST API? Or it is restricted to queries built within RTC?
far as I know, under the cover of the REST query is a normal query.. its all server side timing.
we had to redesign our java app to fetch and cache all the data up front, before processing to avoid this timeout. (our inline query processing took from 30 minutes to 8 hours.. the fetch and cache took 12 seconds for the same query results)