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Custom Attributes not showing up in Presentation

Minto Tsai (2683) | asked Apr 13 '09, 5:45 p.m.
I have gotten RTC in a state where my Custom Attributes do not show up in my presentation. I'm hoping someone has seen this before or know how I can fix it.

Here's an overview of the steps:

    Created a new Enumeration (ie. dev_status)
    Created a new Work Item Type with Custom Attribute of type dev_status
    Created a new Editor Presentation containing presentation with custom attributes

I also performed some steps where I removed some custom attributes and added new ones with the same name. (There is a defect here it looks like where the "Add Presentation" still shows deleted attributes) I'm wondering if this may have put RTC into this state.

4 answers

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John Doran (9182) | answered Apr 13 '09, 8:59 p.m.
When you say they do not show up in your presentation ...

Are you looking at a work item that you have already created?

If so, you may just need to synchronize it....

I have gotten RTC in a state where my Custom Attributes do not show up in my presentation. I'm hoping someone has seen this before or know how I can fix it.

Here's an overview of the steps:

    Created a new Enumeration (ie. dev_status)
    Created a new Work Item Type with Custom Attribute of type dev_status
    Created a new Editor Presentation containing presentation with custom attributes

I also performed some steps where I removed some custom attributes and added new ones with the same name. (There is a defect here it looks like where the "Add Presentation" still shows deleted attributes) I'm wondering if this may have put RTC into this state.

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Minto Tsai (2683) | answered Apr 14 '09, 11:21 a.m.
I am actually creating new work items in which the presentation is not showing. I am aware of the synchronization issue that you mention and have used the method before on other work item types I've modified.

It seems like this problem only happens for a particular Enumeration that I've created.

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Minto Tsai (2683) | answered Apr 15 '09, 2:07 p.m.
Just FYI, I ended up creating a new enumeration.

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Nate Decker (37814761) | answered Nov 02 '16, 10:46 a.m.
edited Nov 02 '16, 10:48 a.m.

Based on my experience in our own environment, you could be experiencing one of several possible issues.

One issue we encountered in the past is if we had created an attribute of a certain type and then later changed that type. Once you've defined an attribute, the type of that attribute is stored with that attribute's id in the database. If you change the type later, the type remains unchanged in the database and no longer matches the definition in the process configuration. One manifestation of this problem can be the inability for the editor presentation to display the attribute. For example, you might have defined an attribute as a String originally and then later redefined it to be an HTML attribute type. The database still handles it as a string. In this scenario, the only solution is to create a new attribute with the new type and migrate over any existing data that needs to be preserved.

Another issue we've experienced before is bugs in the editor presentation where certain attribute presentations don't work in specific sections or tabs of the editor presentation. You could try moving the presentation to a different section or a different tab and seeing if that fixes it. If you think it might be a presentation bug, you can try loading the work item presentation in the web client too and seeing if you get a different result there.

If you were already doing your testing in the web client, you might have the old process definition still cached in the browser somehow. Be sure to do a hard refresh when reloading the page (ctr+F5).

Maybe some other possibilities that are less likely would be if you copied an existing editor presentation rather than making a new one from scratch and the existing presentation was hidden or something like that.

I've made silly mistakes before where my draft work item where I tried to test my presentation was accidentally created from the wrong project area where I hadn't actually changed the process so I guess double-check that.

Edit: I just realized this is a super old question and unlikely to still be an issue. Please update the question with the answer if you know it. Hopefully my comment will be of some value to some other person who might stumble across the question.

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