How to create a TER for a given test case-id using a REST call
Create a Test Execution Request (passing in options for project-name, release version, browser under test..)
2 answers
You can GET or POST xml of any artifact using below url
So if you want to GET a TestCase in RQM, in browser paste below url. You will get a list of the TestCases. Copy your desired TestCase url and do a GET using POSTER utility. This will give you the xml content of that TestCase
If you want to create a TER in RQM, then do a POST to below url using POSTER with xml content having your desired content
To get format of TER xml, you can do a GET of any existing TERs in RQM using POSTER
NOTE: You will need to login from UI before using POSTER and while doing a GET or POST add Header (user-agent)
Hope this helps
You can get more info in wiki page. Link is as below:
we added following xml tag in <StepResult> tag of the execution result xml to generate TC execution result in RQM
<ns16:property propertyType="rtcdefectView"propertyValue="https://projectintegrationURL/ccm/resource/itemName/" propertyName="120: Defect name" />
and as suggested, sent a POST request to
It created the Execution result in RQM but did not link defect with it.
Let me know if you know if you know any solution to achieve this.
Thanks in advance.