Listing archived categories using java client api?
One answer
Hi Again,
Following method did it for me.
public void listAllCategories(String projectAreaName)
throws TeamRepositoryException {
//Project Area
IProjectArea projectArea = getProjectArea(projectAreaName);
//Auditable client
IAuditableClient auditableClient = (IAuditableClient) repo
//List of all existing categories. This will include all the visible, access restricted and archived categories.
//In other words, every other category which was created.
List<ICategoryHandle> allCategoryHandles = CategoriesHelper
.findExistingCategories(auditableClient, projectArea, monitor);
for (ICategoryHandle iCategoryHandle : allCategoryHandles) {
I'm printing only the itemId of ICategoryHandle. If you want to get the corresponding item. Please go through following link.
Following method did it for me.
public void listAllCategories(String projectAreaName)
throws TeamRepositoryException {
//Project Area
IProjectArea projectArea = getProjectArea(projectAreaName);
//Auditable client
IAuditableClient auditableClient = (IAuditableClient) repo
//List of all existing categories. This will include all the visible, access restricted and archived categories.
//In other words, every other category which was created.
List<ICategoryHandle> allCategoryHandles = CategoriesHelper
.findExistingCategories(auditableClient, projectArea, monitor);
for (ICategoryHandle iCategoryHandle : allCategoryHandles) {
I'm printing only the itemId of ICategoryHandle. If you want to get the corresponding item. Please go through following link.