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Can we use local and blue page user authentication together?

Vinod Kumar (9632010) | asked Apr 09 '09, 6:12 a.m.
Can we create local user when blue page authentication is being used in Jazz?
If yes, how to create and assign permission to local user?
If no, how to create and use 'ccsync' user ClearCase connector?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 09 '09, 9:25 a.m.
I don't believe there is a way of creating "local users" when you are
using an LDAP authority (such as blue pages) for authentication.

So to create an "administrative user" (like ccsync), you'd have to go
through the normal "add user" administrative actions for your LDAP
server (which is what we did for self hosting), or you can just select
some existing user-id as your ccsync account ("ccsync" is just the
default user-id ... when you create a sync-stream, you can modify that
to be any user-id that you want ... and you can modify that user-id and
its password using the sync-stream editor/properties pages.


vkcind wrote:
Can we create local user when blue page authentication is being used
in Jazz?
If yes, how to create and assign permission to local user?
If no, how to create and use 'ccsync' user ClearCase connector?

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