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Read Process Config XML in server-side follow-up action

David Weber (7621810) | asked Apr 08 '09, 10:55 p.m.
Can anyone tell me how to read the Process Configuration XML in a Save Work Item follow-up server-side action? I created a Process Aspect Editor to add a new <configuration> section to the XML... now I need to read that in my follow-up action. I can't seem to figure out exactly how to do that.

Thanks in advance,


3 answers

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Jared Burns (4.5k29) | answered Apr 09 '09, 9:32 a.m.
On Thu, 09 Apr 2009 02:57:33 +0000, deweber wrote:

Can anyone tell me how to read the Process Configuration XML in a Save
Work Item follow-up server-side action? I created a Process Aspect
Editor to add a new <configuration> section to the XML... now I need to
read that in my follow-up action. I can't seem to figure out exactly
how to do that.

Thanks in advance,


Hi, Dave.

The process framework passes the appropriate XML to your follow-up action
when it is invoked. The IProcessConfigurationElement parameter that you
are passed is a modeled representation of the XML. See the JavaDoc on

Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team

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David Weber (7621810) | answered Apr 09 '09, 2:41 p.m.
Sorry, I wasn't clear in my question.

I have a top-level Process Aspect Editor, not a Process Aspect Editor specific to my follow-up action. In other words, my Process Aspect Editor inherits from ProcessAspectEditor2, not from OperationDetailsAspectEditor.

So there is no direct tie of the Process Aspect Editor to the follow-up action.
(The main reason for writing a top-level Aspect Editor instead of an Aspect Editor specific for the follow-up action is the screen real estate for a operation aspect editor is not big enough for the GUI that we require.)

So in my follow-up action, I need access to the root of the Process Configuration XML. And I'm looking for the proper lines of code to do that (for a server-side follow-up action).



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Jared Burns (4.5k29) | answered Apr 10 '09, 10:21 a.m.
On Thu, 09 Apr 2009 18:47:59 +0000, deweber wrote:

So in my follow-up action, I need access to the root of the Process
Configuration XML. And I'm looking for the proper lines of code to do
that (for a server-side follow-up action).

The API to read configuration data is
IServerProcess#getProjectConfigurationData(String configDataId)

Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team

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