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How to set the default value for Planned for attribute using java

Surender Biyyala (403848) | asked May 11 '14, 12:18 a.m.
edited May 12 '14, 4:02 a.m. by Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4)
 Hi All,

The following is my scenario.

I want to set "Unassigned" value to Planned for attribute when the work item is rejected.

When I tried to Loop the iteration I`m able to get only the user defined values but not the deafult value i.e., Unassigned.

My Question is

How to set The Planned for attribute to Unassigned.

One answer

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Surender Biyyala (403848) | answered May 11 '14, 5:23 a.m.
 The following is the code snippet for setting the default value fro Planned for attribute

IAttribute plannedforAttribute = workItemServer.findAttribute(workItem.getProjectARea(),IWorkItem.TARGET_PROPERTY,monitor);
the above code is to get the handle for the Planned for Attribute 

IWorkItemCopy workItemCopy = (IWorkItem)workItemServer.findworkItemById(workItem.getId(),IworkItem.FULL_PROFILE,monitor).getWorkingCopy);
This is to get the copy of the current work item which is being saved.


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