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Migrating the jazz repository from to 20 M3D1

Thomas Loeber (62237950) | asked Apr 02 '09, 5:41 a.m.
I didn't see any instructions in the 2.0 M3D1 install/upgrade doc that mentions a migration of the repository (db2) from to 2.0 M3D1. I see there are instructions on migrating between vendor databases. Are there instructions for migrating a db2 repository from to 2.0 M3D1. I'm currently getting this error after installing M3D1 over
CRJAZ1050I There is a version mismatch between the installed code and the database. See the product documentation for migrating theJazz repository.

4 answers

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Thomas Loeber (62237950) | answered Apr 02 '09, 7:45 a.m.
After some more digging I did find this article on migrating repositories from version x to version y.
I followed the instructions and the export with was successful but the import using M3D1 produced this error.
C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server>repotools -import fromFile=c:\export_from_version_1.0.1.1.tar
Repo Tools, Version 2.0 M3D1 - I20090327-1303
Provisioning using "C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\\provision_profiles".
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "" with the id 45 is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "" with the id 46 is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "" with the id 49
is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "" with the id 51 is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "" with the id 62 is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
To ignore invalid bundles, re-run repotools with the following property definition enabled in the script:
CRJAZ1225I Migration failed.

Is this normal and if so how do I enable this property?

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Thomas Loeber (62237950) | answered Apr 02 '09, 7:46 a.m.
After some more digging I did find this article on migrating repositories from version x to version y.
I followed the instructions and the export with was successful but the import using M3D1 produced this error.
C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server>repotools -import fromFile=c:\export_from_version_1.0.1.1.tar
Repo Tools, Version 2.0 M3D1 - I20090327-1303
Provisioning using "C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\\provision_profiles".
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "" with the id 45 is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "" with the id 46 is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "" with the id 49
is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "" with the id 51 is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "" with the id 62 is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
To ignore invalid bundles, re-run repotools with the following property definition enabled in the script:
CRJAZ1225I Migration failed.

Is this normal and if so how do I enable this property?

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Thomas Loeber (62237950) | answered Apr 02 '09, 10:10 a.m.
Got one step further. Edited the repotools.bat to enable the . It had a colon (:) in column 1 which I removed.
I then re-ran the import command and ran into the issues described in this work item defect .
I dropped my existing database (had a backup) and recreated it with PAGESIZE 8K as per the work-around in the above defect.
My import then worked fine.

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Balaji Krish (1.8k12) | answered Apr 03 '09, 11:43 a.m.

Looks like your repotools is not provisioned correctly. (use -clean option to reprovision the repository tools)

Use repotools -clean -import ...

(Remove from your scripts )

--- Balaji
Jazz Server Team

Got one step further. Edited the repotools.bat to enable the . It had a colon (:) in column 1 which I removed.
I then re-ran the import command and ran into the issues described in this work item defect .
I dropped my existing database (had a backup) and recreated it with PAGESIZE 8K as per the work-around in the above defect.
My import then worked fine.

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