Managing Template Sections
6 answers
Hi, both delete and rename of sections should be possible. To rename any section, click on the section name and the field will open up for editing. To delete a section, look for the red X in the upper right corner. Most sections can be deleted, except for Summary I believe. Let me know if that covers what you are looking for.
Looks like the thing to do would be to go into Manage Templates, select your custom template, remove the misspelled section (by moving it from the list on the right to the list on the left), and add a new one in its place. Any new test plans created from that template would then have the new section not the old one. Is that what you mean?
2 buttons actually: Delete and Edit. Edit is useful in the following scenario: you've put a lot of information in the Description field. After creating the section, you realize you messed up (maybe you put some HTML tags to format the text in the description and you forgot to put an end tag). Instead of typing deleting and recreating, it would be nice to be able to edit.
Thanks a bunch!
Thanks a bunch!