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Accepting baselines into a historical workspace broken?

Tim Bartley (2379) | asked Mar 18 '14, 12:20 a.m.
retagged Mar 21 '14, 10:10 a.m. by Sonia Dimitrov (27159)
 I created a workspace off an older baseline of a component. Actually an older snapshot from the stream. I'd like to have created it straight off a baseline but I couldn't do that. When this workspace was created it had no flow targets set. So to get the the baseline I wanted I set the stream as the default and current flow targets and then saw the pending baselines I wanted and my plan was accept the baselines one at a time in order to get to the baseline I wanted.

However when I tried this, with the first incoming baseline I accepted I got a conflict even though I had made no changes in my workspace. The second baseline I accepted I got more conflicts and also unresolved changes (!), again, even though I'd made no changes in the work space.

I used a 4.0.5 thick client to create the workspace and a 4.0.5 command line client (RHEL 6.4 x64) to load the workspace and accept the baselines. The server is also 4.0.5.

When I compared the list of oustanding baseline in my workspace to the history of baselines on the component in the stream with which my new workspace flows they are different and I presume this is the source of the problem. The question is, is this a bug?

Here is the set of baselines as seen in my workspace:

[tbartley@tim-dev-1 tim-develop-proj-2]$ lscm status -w
Workspace: (1006) "tim-develop-proj-2" <-> (1007) "develop-proj"
  Component: (1008) "PROJ"
    Baseline: (1009) 19368 "Post-20140218-feature-xyz-Merge"
        (1010) 19723 "Post-20140317-feature-FixReleaseTests-Merge"
        (1011) 19722 "Post-20140317-feature-FixReleaseTests-Merge"
        (1012) 19702 "Post-20140314-feature-FixReleaseTests-Merge"
        (1013) 19683 "Post-20140312-feature-FixReleaseTests-Merge"
        (1014) 19664 "Post-20140311-develop-proj-Merge"
        (1015) 19663 "Pre-20140311-developproj-Merge"
        (1016) 19453 "Pre-20140224-fature-FixReleaseTests-Merge"
        (1017) 19395 "Before re-basing stream with develop-proj"
        (1018) 19231 "Pre-20140210-develop-proj-Merge"

and here is the set shown when I choose "Show ..." -> "Baselines" in the thick client from the PROJ component in the develop-proj stream:

19723: Post-20140317-feature-FixReleaseTests-Merge
19722: Post-20140317-feature-FixReleaseTests-Merge
19702: Post-20140314-feature-FixReleaseTests-Merge
19683: Post-20140312-feature-FixReleaseTests-Merge
19664: Post-20140311-develop-proj-Merge
19662: Post event-filter-services merge 3/10/2014
19636: Post-10140307-tang-bugfix-merge2
19635: Post-20140307-tang-bugfix-merge
19463: post dev-proj-defects merge 2/24/2014
19368: Post-20140218-feature-xyz-Merge

You can see the 19368 baseline on which I based my workspace. Why doesn't my workspace show the same set of baselines as incoming?

Why would creating a workspace against an historic snapshot today behave differently to a workspace flowing more traditionally with the stream that I just hadn't looked at for a long time and now had a bunch of outstanding baselines to accept? Seems like this is a bug.



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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Apr 01 '14, 1:57 p.m.
When you flow with the stream, the presumed work flow is that you'll be accepting the baselines from the stream to your workspace. Since you didn't flow with anything, you never had an opportunity to accept those baselines. When you show baselines on the component in your workspace, it shows the baselines that you've accepted into your workspace since the creation (ie. the 19368 from the snapshot plus any baselines you've accepted).

I would recommend replacing your workspace's component with the component baseline that you want. There is no need to accept baselines one-by-one. If you have any outgoing change sets, suspend them before the replacement. Then resume after the replacement is complete.

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