LDAP sync about user who is removed from Active Directory

When synchronizing AD with JTS, I found that users who were deleted from AD still remains in JTS user directory.
I read the infocenter and expected that Error record was created, but it didn't.
Synchronizing LDAP with Jazz Team Server repository user information
Is this behaviour expected? ( I understand so, by reading the article below, but want to make sure just in case.)
Is there any way to sync "deleted users"? (If deleted from AD, the users deleted from JTS as well)
If it's impossible, is there any way to know the users who were removed from AD but still remains JTS?
One answer

Please see the answer on https://jazz.net/forum/questions/137633/deleting-users-non-ldap-tomcat-in-rtc-4x for details.

Thank you Sam, Ralph.
I understand that I should archive users.
It would be great if you could tell me one more.
Is there any way to know users who aren't in LDAP any more?
I expected that LDAP sync results create "error record" about those users, but it didn't.
Thank you in advance.

JTS or RTC don't "know" about what is in LDAP and what is not, as far as I can tell. The user entry is just managed in the database. If LDAP is configured, RTC delegates authentication to LDAP through the application server.
I don't think RTC does anything about users that are not found in LDAP. In cases where you use mixed local and LDAP authentication, this would also not be an indicator that the user needs to be archived.
You could probably use LDAP tools to report the users in the relevant repository groups in LDAP.
You could export the Jazz users using the repotools -exportUsers command and then go through both lists and compare them. I am not sure if -importUsers could be used to archive users no longer in LDAP. You could experiment with it.
If not, you could use an approach similar to described in https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/changing-the-jazz-user-id-using-the-rtc-plain-java-client-libraries/ to automatically archive the user.

Thank you!
I'll try some way you introduced.
sam detweiler
Jan 06 '14, 9:25 p.m.You should not remove the user from jts, as their id is in all kinds of data. The user should be archived.