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Can we configure RTC to add Filed Against and other Customized fields in Kanban view of work items

Rao Shines (15945162) | asked Jan 06 '14, 9:58 a.m.
edited Jan 06 '14, 10:12 a.m.

We trying to add/update work items in Kanban View of RTC Plans, we just see Summary and Estimate fields only, Is there a way to customize to view other important fields like Filed Against and Priority.

Screenshot attached for reference. Kanban View for workitems

Any help in this regard is very helpful as our client is interested in Kanban compared to other views and like to have other field to manage workitems easily.

Thanks in Advance.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 07 '14, 7:00 a.m.
As far as I can tell (RTC 4.0.5) the shape of the work item in the Taskboard and Kanban view is fixed. You can configure which columns to show in which order in the shape, however, only the attributes that fit into the shape are presented.

To enhance this has been requested several times. I think this work item tracks the effort:, please note, that it seems this is an exploration and is not in the product yet, at least, i could not see anything obvious in the new&noteworthy.

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