Workitem creation problem via rest api HTTP 405
I am send a POST message to my facroty uri which is https://server:9443/ccm/oslc/contexts/_Kw3GkmJHEeODZojFwTfvdw/workitems
My workitem's JSON representation is
"dc:title":"My first new work item",
"dc:description":"A description for the new work item",
I have "application/x-oslc-cm-changerequest+json" as "Content-Type" and "text/json" as Accept
I am using RTC 4.0.4
I got this error
"oslc_cm:message": null,
"oslc_cm:status": 405
I am not POSTing something that Rest api cant handle like changing a time sheet entry. What could be wrong?
I am send a POST message to my facroty uri which is https://server:9443/ccm/oslc/contexts/_Kw3GkmJHEeODZojFwTfvdw/workitems
My workitem's JSON representation is
"dc:title":"My first new work item",
"dc:description":"A description for the new work item",
I have "application/x-oslc-cm-changerequest+json" as "Content-Type" and "text/json" as Accept
I am using RTC 4.0.4
I got this error
"oslc_cm:message": null,
"oslc_cm:status": 405
I am not POSTing something that Rest api cant handle like changing a time sheet entry. What could be wrong?
Accepted answer
based on
I would say that dc should not be used here - verified - it does not work -
but you may rather use dcterms
"dcterms:title":"My first new work item",
"dcterms:description":"A description for the new work item",
worked for me
Hope it helps,