JUnit Selenium test script parameters?
I'm starting using Selenium and trying to connect it to RQM.
I have JUnit Selenium class (Test.java) that runs in Eclipse. I have configured adapter and could see it from RQM.
I'm confused by parameters for test script:
- Test Class: The name of the JUnit Selenium class to execute.
- Classpath: Class path entries that are required to run the test class.
- Java System Properties: Java™ system properties to pass to the JVM.
-thanks in advance
One answer
Hi Timur,
Please have a look at this article - http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/run-automated-selenium-junit-tests/index.html, Section - Create the Selenium test in Rational Quality Manager.
This might be helpful for you.
Please let me know, if you still have any question.